From first latch to first foods, we’re here to help you and your baby get the hang of breastfeeding—because your journey should be as easy as it is rewarding.
High expectations. Low milk supply. The two sides of breastfeeding.
Challenging beginnings. Beautiful bonds.
Breastfeeding is a learning curve—for both you and your baby. With thoughtfully designed products, we make it easier for you to feel confident and supported every step of the way.
Ergonomic breastfeeding pillows position your baby for success and reduce strain on you.
plus-circleCan I breastfeed in a baby carrier?
Yes! Ergobaby carriers are designed to support discreet feeding on the go. Learn how to breastfeed in a baby carrier here or schedule a free 1:1 consultation with a babywearing expert!
plus-circleWhat clothing makes breastfeeding easier?
Nursing bras from Belly Bandit provide easy access and incredible comfort for every feed.
plus-circleWhen should I wean my baby?
When to wean your baby is all about personal preference. Every baby is different. Some parents might wean as they go back to work. Others may nurse into the toddler years. When you’re ready to wean, here is a helpful guide to starting solids and baby food stages.
• Position your baby comfortably with a supportive breastfeeding pillow. • Use a baby carrier to feed hands-free while staying close to your baby. • Try different nursing positions to see what’s comfortable and helps you get a good latch. • Get a cozy nursing bra for easy feeding, pumping, and all-day comfort. • Whether it’s breast milk, formula, or a combo of both, fed is best! • Take care of your mental health so you can care for baby.
Sleep Tips for Exhausted Parents
Small Changes, Big Sleep Wins
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• Another fascinating detail to consider with plenty of room to expand
• Final interesting observation that spans across the entire container
The swaddle helped my baby sleep longer stretches, and the bouncer was perfect for soothing her during fussy moments. I finally feel like we’re getting some rest!
– Sarah, first-time mom
Truly a dream!
I have tried several carriers and this one is the best. The lumbar support is great as someone still recovering from giving birth. My favorite thing, though, is how amazing soft the cotton fabric is.
- Madeleine L, On the Omni Dream Baby Carrier
A must have for a newborn!
It is so easy to put on (much faster than the wraps) and my 6-week-old finds it comfortable and soothing - he often falls asleep in it! I also like that my husband and I can both use it!
I feel very blessed to have nursed all three of my children for varying lengths, but it is since my youngest has stopped nursing that I see something new and special... something unexpected in the bond beyond breastfeeding. Gwyneth nursed for about 27 months and when she stopped nursing my breasts were not automatically "mine" again, much to my surprise. With my first two children they just sort of moved onto something else - case closed so to speak. Some 9 months now after breastfeeding, Gwenny still claims my breasts as her own and she will fight me if I say that they are mine. She still prefers to fall asleep with her hand on my chest, and if she catches Daddy looking at them she will sometimes cover me up with my blanket and tell me that she is protecting me (or them?). I find it all comical and we play and laugh, but more than anything I am touched by the notion that my body is still her comfort. Though I am no longer providing her physical nourishment, I am still giving her emotional
In honor of World Breastfeeding Week and National Breastfeeding Month, I wanted to compile my tips for a successful breastfeeding relationship. As a postpartum doula and lactation consultant, many expectant moms have told me how nervous they are about breastfeeding. It's no wonder as to why some women have fear since horror stories abound about sore nipples, low milk supply and biting babies. I would like to offer you some peace of mind to help you prepare for your breastfeeding journey.
Tip 1: Stick with it! Don't give up.
Breastfeeding is natural, just like walking is natural. But it takes time to figure it out! Can you imagine how many babies would give up walking if they gave up after their first fall? Think about the time and effort it takes for a baby to learn how to walk. Most infants start out crawling which builds core muscles, then they graduate to standing by holding on to something, then finally the baby will take her first step. This didn't happen overnight,
During the first trimester, staying fit and eating healthy can be a real challenge due to all of the hormonal changes occurring in your body. Two of the biggest challenges can be morning sickness and food aversions. Both of which make you want to just lay on the couch and watch trashy TV rather than focus on getting outside for a walk or a run or eat those nice big salads that you once did. However, did you know that actually making an effort to workout can combat fatigue and morning sickness? I wish someone had told me this during my first trimester! I went from training for a half marathon to the couch full time before finally convincing myself that I needed to make an effort to be somewhat active again. Not only is it good for me but it’s good for this growing baby inside of me. It took me until the later stages of my first trimester (around week 10) to really start to get back to being active. But when I did, I noticed how much better I felt. My morning (all day) sickness
When I counsel adults with heart disease, many have a hard time making changes to their diet. I have often thought that it would be easier for them if they had grown up with heart healthy habits instead of having to learn them later in life. We often don’t think about children and heart health, but as parents we can start building heart healthy habits in our children that will benefit them for a life time.
Here are 7 heart healthy habits:
Don’t restrict calories but offer “real” food.
Eat heart healthy fats and oils.
Load up on fruits and vegetables.
Consume plenty of low-fat dairy products.
Use nuts, seeds, and legumes more often.
Incorporate more whole grains.
Be physically active.
Don't restrict calories but offer "real" food. Most of the time it is not a good idea to restrict children’s calories. They should be able to eat meals and snacks and decide for themselves how much they want to eat. With that being said, the way to make sure that they don’t overeat is to offer “real”
Most women don’t even start thinking about making healthier choices for the benefit of their baby until they are actually pregnant. But, many studies have shown that preconception nutrition can improve fertility and pregnancy outcomes. In fact, combining certain dietary patterns is referred to as the “fertility diet” and may favorably influence fertility in otherwise healthy women. So, when you start thinking about cute little toes and baby carriages, start making some of these pre-pregnancy nutrition and lifestyle changes too.
Add vitamins to your routine. It is well known that taking folic acid before pregnancy can prevent birth defects of the brain and spinal cord, so be sure you are taking a supplement either as part of a multivitamin or by itself. Another important nutrient to add is iron. Many women tend to be low in iron, and iron needs will increase during pregnancy. Starting pregnancy with good iron levels by taking supplements or eating iron-rich plant based food seems to be
When my husband was out of town, I thought I would give the kids a treat and take them out to eat. When I asked them if they wanted to go, they all shouted, “Yay! A picnic!” They grabbed a table cloth and ran outside to wait for me to bring the food. I quickly put together a picnic with food that we had on hand, and we sat outside eating dinner and playing for the rest of the evening. Since then I have thought about how much healthier we would all be if we went “out” to eat more often--if more families thought about going out to eat as a picnic in the park instead of eating unhealthy food at a chain restaurant. As parents, we can influence the attitudes our kids have about healthy eating and physical activity, and create a healthy nutrition environment at home.
Eat meals together as a family
Try to eat one home-cooked meal together with your family each day. Studies show that family meals are associated with improved intakes of fruits, vegetables, grains, calcium-rich foods, protein,
When should you start feeding your baby solid foods and what should you feed her?
Start feeding solids to babies between 4 and 6 months.
Introduce new foods 3-4 days apart.
Try foods several times.
Try several textures and flavors.
Avoid foods that can cause choking.
“The first year is a great time to introduce a variety of foods with different textures and tastes before the “picky eating” ages of 2 and 3 begin.” Christanne Harrison Introducing Solids: Time for Tofu (and Other New Foods) When my son started kindergarten, I asked him what he wanted in his lunch on his first day of school. He quickly responded, “Tofu squares!” He came home and proudly told me his teacher said that she had never seen a kindergartner with tofu in his lunch before. I started feeding my son tofu before he was a year old, and he has loved it ever since. Obviously, not all children are going to like tofu when they are introduced to it, but the first year is a great time to introduce a variety of
La Leche League’s “Big Latch On” event, August 6th, 2011 “Women were ready to take charge of their own bodies. There was a need.” This was her answer when one founder was asked why they started La Leche League International (LLLI). In 1956, seven women founded La Leche League International united by a common bond: their mutual appreciation for natural birth and their healthy, happy breastfeeding babies. They nurtured, nursed and practiced what they preached, with a combined total of 63 children, 161 grandchildren, and 30 great grandchildren, as of 2008. They were encouraged by enthusiastic husbands, and inspired by their enjoyment to share what they knew with other mothers, in their Elmhurst, Illinois vicinity, who were often asking for guidance on how best to breastfeed their babies. In the words of each of the seven founders, here are some of their thoughts and history from their journey together. Their detailed chronological history as an organization, photos, and wonder-filled
There is a deeply caring quality reflected in Ina May Gaskin’s life as a certified professional midwife for over 35 years, as an author, educator, community member, and the mother of three home-birthed children. She brings her life’s work and experience to the 340 pages of this rich resource on breastfeeding. Like her book, Spiritual Midwifery, Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding is destined to be a classic. Word is bound to spread quickly to every mother interested in “everything you need to know to make breastfeeding a joyful, natural, and richly fulfilling experience for both you and your baby.” The contents of this book bring insights into the personal journey of becoming a family, from how your birth choices determine the quality of your breastfeeding experience, to the advantages of delaying cutting the umbilical cord. There are lists of Baby-Friendly hospitals, herbs to avoid, and how to handle sick and hospitalized babies, and colds, diarrhea, or reflux. The mystery and
Yesterday my sister told me that she never knew what hard work breastfeeding was going to be. Last month, she celebrated her first year as a mother, and her first year of breastfeeding. She amazes me, balancing her busy schedule in the corporate world with time for breastfeeding and breast pumping in the office “pump-quarters.” I’m thrilled my sister’s breastfeeding is supported in the workplace, because breastfeeding is one of the body’s most beautiful, intelligent functions. Breast milk is a living fluid substance, one of the most nutritious on earth. The wisdom or innate intelligence of the human body is so remarkable that a mother’s body will change the composition of her breast milk at every feeding, according to the time of day, the climate, and the baby’s age. Breast milk contains the perfect amount of every essential nutrient optimal for your baby’s growth and development at each unique moment. As a family wellness chiropractor who is passionate about serving pregnant woman, infants,