Health & Wellness
August 22, 2018
This week we crank up the cardio using some tried and tested training protocols to raise the heart rate with low impact, high energy multi muscle movements. Watch your form, keep the movements smooth and controlled and focus on your posture and core activation throughout. You can adapt this workout to suit your fitness by using either just your body weight or adding in some small hand weights to turbo charge this session! You are aiming here for 10 back to back reps of each move...30 in total before resting for 1 minute and you are aiming to repeat the circuit 4 times.
Side squat and bicep curl
Alternating lunge and press
Squat, curl and press
If you aren’t sure what stage of your recovery you are at, download our weekly workout guide here. For more parent and baby workouts and other family health and wellness, click here. _________________________
Please use caution when attempting any of the carries, exercise or activities highlighted on this blog, social media or any other
Health & Wellness
February 15, 2018
Yoga to me is the art of being present. Living in the present moment has been my greatest tool throughout pregnancy and now, into motherhood. When we hear the word yoga we oftentimes think of posture or a series of postures performed in a set sequence. While this is certainly an aspect of the practice it is only a slice of the pie available to you when you practice yoga. We practice yoga through movement, meditation, mindfulness and awareness. By becoming more aware of what is happening inside of us we are better able to tune into our needs and respond in a way that bring out love, joy, peace and presence. For me, I find my yoga while moving on my mat or closing my eyes to meditate. But you might find your yoga doing something else such as painting, cooking, walking, being outside immersed in nature, etc. Whatever it is that you do to become more mindful and present, do that with intention and purpose. It is when we start to add intention to our everyday lives that we discover our purpose
Health & Wellness
November 17, 2017
In recent posts, we’ve discussed the benefits of postpartum yoga and even learned a yoga sequence for new moms. Over the past five years, I've gotten to teach prenatal, postnatal, and kids yoga classes in New York City and Los Angeles. During that time, I've kept a running list of the hilarious / adorable / weird / poignant things I've heard in my kids classes. Today, I’m opening up the vault to share those gems with you. Behold, my top twenty favorite kids yoga moments: 20. As a teacher, I’ve noticed that kids are obsessed with finding out everything about you. During my first teaching job in New York City, this five-year-old girl called me out in front of the class, asking the following spitfire questions: “How old are you? How many kids do you have? Are you married?” After I told her my age (to which she gasped in horror), that I wasn’t married, and didn’t have kids yet, she handed me a book she’d gotten at the school book fair, entitled How To Fall in Love. 19. In
Health & Wellness
September 05, 2017
Carving out time for self-care is a challenge for anyone, but it’s especially difficult when you’re a new mom. Mommy & Me yoga classes are a great option to invite movement and meditative focus into your day, but the reality of leaving the house and going to a yoga studio might not be possible. With that in mind, here are some fun yoga poses you can do with your little one in the comfort of your own home. If you’ve got a yoga mat already, that’s great! If not, a blanket or towel will do just fine.
Cat-Cow Pose
Set your baby on her back, either on a comfy blanket or some other sort of support on the floor. Next, bring yourself onto all fours, positioned so that when you look down, baby and you make eye contact. If you have sensitive knees, you may want to grab an extra blanket to place underneath them for cushioning. For optimal positioning, you’ll want your palms flat on the floor, with your hands shoulder-width distance, and knees hip-width distance. Take a deep breath, arch your back,
Health & Wellness
May 17, 2017
These are some of my favorite babywearing yoga poses. Poses you can do with your babe along for the ride! We all know the benefits of yoga and the benefits of babywearing. Combining them helps create a baby-friendly exercise that both parent and baby can enjoy. Yoga and babywearing are a natural fit as the meditative nature helps soothe baby and since it’s low-impact, it’s very easy to involve baby. _________________________
Please use caution when attempting any of the carries, exercise or activities highlighted on this blog, social media or any other content channels. Please use common sense and caution when using a baby carrier. You should consult a physician before starting any diet or exercise program. For more information, see our disclaimer.Emotional Benefits of Getting Outside
Spending time in nature with your baby can strengthen the bond between you. The simple act of holding your baby close, feeling their warmth, and sharing new experiences together can create
Health & Wellness
October 27, 2016
The two most common reasons that healthy eating habits start to slip is because either it becomes less of a priority or a reliable strategy hasn’t been put into place. That’s why it can be especially difficult to stay committed to healthy eating after you’ve had a baby. Your priorities shift, your focus is now on your new little bundle, and if strategies are not already in place you don’t have much spare time for making new ones. As a new mother, making your health and wellness a priority isn’t self indulgent, it’s necessary so that you have energy and clarity to care for your baby. If you’re breastfeeding, what you eat also directly affects the quality and sometimes quantity of your breast milk.
a few things that have helped me continue to make healthy choices in the kitchen after having a baby….
Most babies don’t like to be put down, especially in the early days. So it becomes much more difficult to luxuriate in the kitchen with a baby in tow. Babywearing has become my most indispensable
Health & Wellness
April 22, 2015
Are you ready for Summer? We sure are...our friend Heidi Powell recently used our Performance Ventus Carrier to show us some moves you can do with baby. Head over to Heidi's blog to see the full workout you can do with your little one in tow!
Please use caution when attempting any of the carries, exercise or activities highlighted on this blog, social media or any other content channels. Please use common sense and caution when using a baby carrier. You should consult a physician before starting any diet or exercise program. For more information, see our Disclaimer.
Health & Wellness
September 02, 2014
Whether it’s your first venture into motherhood or you’ve walked this journey before, bringing a life into the world is a task unlike any other. From having your days filled with diaper duty and sleepless nights to getting in as much cuddle time as possible and being lost in your little love’s eyes, the one thing we can all agree on as new moms is that we’re much shorter on time for ourselves than we used to be. You are your best self when you take some quality time. And because we know how hard that is to come by for the first few months, Ergobaby and I have teamed up to create yoga sequences for you that allow you to incorporate your babe right into your practice, safely nestled into your Ergobaby Wrap.
We’ll be offering a practice for each quarter of the first year, to take you through the newborn phase all the way up until your little one has their first birthday. You can do the practice pose by pose, breaking them up to focus on a specific part of the body, or as one sequence,
Health & Wellness
January 15, 2014
Hi Moms! Autumn here from Tailored Fitness back this week to help us tackle our next trouble spot, the Butt, with a baby-wearing workout you’ll love. If you missed our first post about how to tone the tummy, you can check it out here.
There are 3 changes that occur during pregnancy that affect our backsides:
Weight gain
It is completely normal to gain weight in places other than your belly during pregnancy. It’s part of the way your body makes sure you have enough nourishment for the growing baby. You may have noticed that as your front was getting larger (aka: breasts and belly) that your backside was getting larger too (aka: your butt). I like to think of it as the good Lord’s way of making sure we don’t fall over!
Loss of muscle tone
Towards the end of pregnancy, the weight of your growing belly makes it much harder to exercise and to build up the intensity necessary to maintain muscle tone. We end up losing much of our muscle tone, especially in our glutes!
Postural Shift
Health & Wellness
January 01, 2014
Happy New Year Moms! Now that the family is gone, Christmas cookies are eaten, and presents are all opened, you are probably settling back into your normal life as a mom. If you are like most people, you are probably thinking about the new year and how you’d like to make it even better than last year. One of the areas you might like to improve in the New Year is your health. Let’s face it: as a mom, caring for yourself usually takes last place. You make sure your kids’ needs are met, take care of your spouse, and after that, if there’s time, you take care of you. Sadly this often leaves us moms disappointed…with how our clothes fit, with how often we get to exercise, and with our lack of energy.
Let’s make this year different! To be the best moms we can be, we must take care of ourselves. The good news is that by carving out just 20 minutes a day you can make some big changes this year! Over the next 3 weeks, we are going to tackle the top 3 trouble spots for moms: