Health & Wellness
Health & Wellness
October 14, 2024
What is an On-the-Move Sleep Bag?
As your toddler grows, so do their sleep needs. Traditional sleep solutions might no longer provide the same comfort and convenience they did during infancy. That’s where Ergobaby’s On-the-Move Sleep Bag comes in—a versatile solution that serves as both a sleeping sack and a romper for your active toddler. Designed for comfort, mobility, and convenience, this product makes it easy for toddlers to transition from sleep to play, offering the best of both worlds.
What makes this toddler sleep sack unique?
Health & Wellness
Mental Health
June 01, 2024
When we think of postpartum depression (PPD), images of new mothers grappling with mood swings and anxiety may come to mind. However, this mental health challenge does not discriminate by gender—dads can and do suffer from postpartum depression too. In this blog, we are going to shed light on the overlooked struggle of dads facing PPD, offering support and understanding to help break the harmful stigmas associated with men's mental health.
Understanding Postpartum Depression in Dads
Postpartum depression in dads, often referred to as paternal PPD, can occur due to hormonal changes, psychological stress, and lifestyle adjustments following the arrival of a new baby. Unlike mothers, whose PPD is often connected to hormonal shifts
Health & Wellness
Mental Health
May 06, 2024
The arrival of a new baby is often portrayed as an unendingly joyous time, but the reality for many parents can be far more complex. Postpartum depression (PPD) is a condition that casts a shadow over this transformative life stage, affecting a significant number of new parents each year. Recognizing the postpartum depression signs, understanding its symptoms, seeking appropriate treatment, and knowing where to find help are critical steps in the journey towards recovery.
Postpartum Depression Definition
Health & Wellness
Mental Health
May 22, 2023
Dr. Raquel Martin is an experienced licensed clinical psychologist, devoted professor, acclaimed researcher and scientist who believes deeply in the power of Black mental wealth – an affirming, lifelong journey that encourages Black people to center mental health practices as integral and intentionally linked to success and wellbeing.
Dr. Martin is on a mission to radically reimagine Black possibility by promoting Black mental health as key to legacy-building and longevity for generations to come.
As a mom, partner, mentor, and a Black woman navigating racism, gender bias and oppression, she embraces the importance of protecting mental health. Dr. Martin is publicly transparent with her own experiences and vulnerabilities because she knows that “healing in public helps those who need to heal in private.”
I got to chat with Dr. Raquel over zoom, and let me tell you, I could've talked with her for
Health & Wellness
May 23, 2022
It’s not uncommon for expecting parents to consider (ruminate over, perseverate on, agitate in…?) how their identity will fare when “me” becomes “we.”
At LUMO we’ve had thousands of conversations with clients about this very topic. And, while we can’t promise we’ve heard it all, we’ve definitely been privy to quite a mélange. We’ve heard: “I’m going to stay exactly the same. People have been having babies for thousands of years. It’s fine.”
“I see my friends with kids and they’re so ensconced. They’re not even the same person. Will that happen to me?”
“I’m worried that parenting is going to be so demanding that I won’t have enough energy for work and I’ll lose my professional footing.”
In short, many new parents worry that their managers, family members, coworkers, friends with kids, friends without
Health & Wellness
March 21, 2022
It’s World Doula Week!
The word “doula” comes from the Greek word meaning a woman who serves. Doulas have been helping women give birth in their homes for centuries and the idea of a “professional” doula arose in the 70s and 80s to help women with birth support in modern times. Today, doulas are available for support throughout pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period.
The purpose of World Doula Week (WDW) is to empower doulas all over the world to improve the physiological, social, emotional, and psychological health of women, newborns and families in birth and in the postpartum period.
There are so many benefits of having a doula present in birth and postpartum:
Reduces the incidence of c-sections
Health & Wellness
March 07, 2022
It’s International Women’s Day and while we love to celebrate women every day, today we get to take a special moment to acknowledge all the incredible women that surround us and are trailblazing and making waves.
Here at Ergobaby, we take diversity, equity, and inclusion seriously. As part of our Corporate Responsibility, we want to make sure to create an environment where everyone can thrive. And as a woman founded business, we are all about supporting women in their endeavors whether it’s at home, in the workplace, or both!
Our Women’s Leadership Club celebrates, uplifts, and inspires the work of women who make Ergobaby the wonderful place it is. Part of the Women’s Leadership Club goals is to bring in Women from outside organizations
Health & Wellness
August 22, 2018
This week we crank up the cardio using some tried and tested training protocols to raise the heart rate with low impact, high energy multi muscle movements. Watch your form, keep the movements smooth and controlled and focus on your posture and core activation throughout. You can adapt this workout to suit your fitness by using either just your body weight or adding in some small hand weights to turbo charge this session! You are aiming here for 10 back to back reps of each move...30 in total before resting for 1 minute and you are aiming to repeat the circuit 4 times.
Side squat and bicep curl
Alternating lunge and press
Squat, curl and press
If you aren’t sure what stage of your recovery you are at, download our weekly workout guide here. For more parent and baby workouts and other family health and wellness, click
Health & Wellness
May 14, 2018
Just hearing the words “Mother’s Day” and I feel this knot in my stomach. It’s everywhere, from radio and tv commercials to displays at Target and coffee shops. The imagery of flowers and hearts, cards and candy. So much emphasis on this day as a happy one. I can’t be the only one that feels a mix of emotions, love for my own children, yes, but also an overwhelming sense of anxiety and sadness. Since I was a little girl I remember always wanting to be a Mom. I don’t have siblings, but I played house often and looking back it was always alone. I spent a lot of time alone. Not just because I was an only child, but because my Mom was emotionally unavailable. It wasn’t until I was an adult did I have a better understanding of the abuse I suffered, emotionally, verbally, the isolation and lack of support that led to my own challenges with self esteem and feeling worthy of relationships and receiving love. Becoming a mother, our ability to have
Health & Wellness
February 21, 2018
Modern motherhood comes with an abundance of joy...and information! For one thing, we have access to seemingly unlimited resources and knowledge on how to mother “best." It seems that everyone has an opinion on how best to raise children. We are overwhelmed with choices on which bed to choose, which high chair, which feeding method, which birth method. With answers close at hand online, it doesn’t take much time to question your intuition. Don’t forget that your mommy intuition is almost a sixth sense! Mothers have relied on their intuition for millennia to protect and nourish their babies. We can still tap into that resource. Many times, having good information and tools can help us tap into that mother’s intuition more readily. I’m here to remind you not to discount your own motherly wisdom. I know personally how easy it is to second-guess my own decisions when it comes to parenting and motherhood, so today I’m sharing three tips that have helped me