Baby Gear
December 01, 2020
From snow to sleet to temperatures and winds so ice cold you feel like you can’t breathe, Mother Nature doesn’t really welcome you with warm, open arms this time of year (unless of course you live in Florida, Arizona or Southern California).
Taking your baby outside for a walk in the winter? Your answer is probably, “No thanks!” And I get it. Staying inside your cozy home sipping a cup of hot chocolate while your baby plays with his toys sounds way more appealing than getting everyone all bundled up to go on a 10 minute walk in 40 degree temperatures. But you can’t stay inside all winter long – you’ll go stir crazy!
According to one pediatrician, and I’m sure many others agree with her, “Unless it’s dangerously cold, being outdoors helps infants acclimate to the seasons and the day-and-night cycle, and it often calms fussiness.” Getting exercise plus having a calm baby who may sleep better at night? We parents should all be saying, “Yes, please!”
As long as you follow the proper safety
Baby Gear
September 23, 2020
When you’re a parent on the go, a stroller is your best friend. It’s your extra set of hands. It’s basically your mobile command vehicle. You need your stroller to safely hold your child, diaper bag, toys, snacks, sippy cup, mommy’s drink of choice, cell phone and keys. But many strollers can’t do it on their own. They need a little help from their own kind of friends we like to call stroller accessories.
Whether you’re an urban or suburban on-the-go parent, here are some of the best and most useful stroller accessories to make your life out of the house a little easier.
1. Weather Shield
When partly cloudy skies turn to rain showers, a blanket or car seat cover won’t cut it. You’ll need a weather shield to keep your little one dry from rain and protected from the wind and bugs. It’s also a great option to keep your tiny tot safe while out and about in congested cities, stores or doctor’s offices, especially during cold and flu seasons. The Metro+ Stroller comes with a rain and wind cover
Baby Gear
August 27, 2020
Parenthood brings with it a whole slew of questions to answer and lessons to learn. How do I know what my baby is trying to tell me when she’s crying? When do I transition her from a bassinet next to my bed to a crib in her own room? When do I start feeding her solids?
Another major topic for new parents revolves around their baby’s sleep schedule: Can my baby nap in the stroller? We’ve all been there. You’re out on a stroll and you go to check on your little one and they’re fast asleep. This poses the question as to whether it’s safe for your baby to continue napping in their stroller or not?
The Short Answer? Yes, it’s Safe.
In short, yes- you can let your baby nap in the stroller. There’s no need to be concerned about your baby’s safety if they fall asleep while you’re out on a stroll together. If you have a newborn, it’s preferred that they fall asleep in a bassinet style stroller that allows them to lay flat. But even in a traditional style stroller, an older baby
Baby Gear
March 11, 2019
How a Compact Stroller Will Help Your Everyday Routine
The everyday routine of a parent is busy and at times chaotic to say the least. And while children are wonderful, they can also make everyday errands into an epic event. Need to run to the store just for milk and toothpaste? Alone, you can be there and back home in 10 minutes. But with a kid, you never know how long it’ll take. You have to pack a diaper bag, put your child and his stuff in the car, drive to the store, take him and his stuff out of the car—there’s 25 minutes right there (not including any surprise setbacks) and you haven’t even made it into the store. It can make any sane parent feel like going crazy.
But everyday life requires leaving your house some days. You have places to go and people to see; not to mention your sanity to keep. Want to know what can help you keep your sanity? A lightweight compact stroller. It can’t pack a diaper bag or put your child into his car seat, but it does add some convenience to your
Baby Gear
December 03, 2018
12 Stroller Hacks Every Parent Should Know
Strollers — every parent needs one. Convenience — every parent wants it. And with these stroller hacks, you can make using your stroller more convenient and functional, as well as provide a safer and more comfortable ride for your little one.
1. Snack Organizer with Silicone Muffin Liners
Place silicone muffin liners in the stroller snack tray to keep snacks separated, tidy, and spill-free. They're easy to clean and perfect for dividing fruits, crackers, and small treats.
2. Portable Wipes Dispenser for Easy Clean-ups
Attach a compact wipes dispenser to the stroller handle using a hook-and-loop strap. It's perfect for quick clean-ups of spills, sticky hands, or even the stroller seat.
3. DIY Stroller Trash Bag
Turn a small reusable tote or drawstring bag into a DIY trash can by clipping it to the stroller handle with a carabiner. Ideal for wrappers, tissues, and other on-the-go messes.
4. Collapsible Storage Bin for Under Seat Basket
Baby Gear
May 15, 2018
Having a baby is hard. Raising that little baby is even harder. But there are all kinds of parenting hacks out there to help make parenting a little easier, like putting vapor rub on a child’s feet and socks over them to relieve nighttime coughing, or using a shower caddy to corral road trip essentials. Here’s another one you may not know about: a reversible stroller.
How do reversible strollers make parenting easier?
Reversible strollers were designed to make life simpler for active, on-the-go parents or parents who just want life to be a little less complicated when they need (or want) to leave the house. Picture yourself in these two scenarios and ask yourself, “Would I rather have a reversible stroller or a traditional stroller that only faces one way?” Scenario 1: You’ve been cooped up inside your house for three days straight. You have to get out of the house, so you decide to go for a walk. After one turn and only two minutes of being outside, it’s all of the sudden
Baby Gear
May 09, 2018
Buying a baby stroller is like buying a car; It’s a big investment of money and time, and can sometimes feel like more of a hassle than it’s worth. Part of that time investment includes doing your research, looking at your options, and even taking strollers for a test drive if you can. We can’t help you with that last one, but we have put together a handy, comprehensive stroller-buying guide for first-time parents, so you know how to pick a stroller that will keep your little one comfy, happy, and safe.
Questions to Ask When Buying a Stroller
Before you even start online or window shopping, ask yourself the following logical questions:
Who will be using the stroller?
Where will we be using the stroller most?
What kind of weather will we be using it in?
What kind of storage space do we have for a stroller (in the house and car)?
How much weight can I handle?
Do we want one that you can fold up with one hand?
Do we want all those extra features, i.e. a place for drinks, storage