It was a warm and sunny day in October when my husband and I met our daughter for the first time.
I was certain I would burst with excitement as we drove the hour commute from our home to the home of her foster parents’. I was giddy as I spoke with Brian about what it would be like to see her sweet face and cuddle with her for the first time. Brian was also looking forward to meeting her but he was very nervous. He is the thinker in our family and I am the feeler. We had only found out about Naomi a few days prior. Her caseworker had called to inform us we had been chosen to be her legal risk placement. The only other information we received was that she was a 5 month old African American girl. I immediately told him that yes we would be thrilled to be her family and we wanted to meet her right away. I then had a few phone conversations with her foster parents. They were the most delightful, warm and loving people. They were in their seventies and had taken care of over twenty infants in their time as foster parents. They had brought Naomi home from the hospital when she was just a few days old and only 6 lbs and 18 inches. They had been incredible advocates for her and this is one of the many reasons her case was already going to legal risk when she was only 5 months old. The hour car ride to Naomi’s foster parents’ home seemed to take forever. I was so wiggly in my seat! When we finally pulled into their driveway my insides were full of butterflies. Brian prayed over our meeting with her and we walked up to the front door to ring the bell. Mr. G answered the door and let us inside. Mrs. G was in the living room holding Naomi. My heart was full of pure delight as I gazed into her big brown eyes that bestowed the most amazing eyelashes I had ever seen in my life. We sat down and chatted with Mr. and Mrs. G a bit about Naomi and about our family. They told us all about her temperament and her early days with them. About her routine and her likes and dislikes. She was truly loved in their home and her every need was met with great care. Mrs. G asked if I would like to hold her. When she was placed in my arms joy rose up inside of me. She was the most gloriously beautiful baby I had ever seen. She was also an incredibly happy baby who loved to bounce! I passed her off to Brian and I could see him melt. They had an instant connection as she wooed him with her dark eyes so full of soul and her smile brighter than the noonday sun. We stayed for a while longer, I fed her a bottle and spoke of how wonderful she was. We made plans to visit again soon. That weekend we met at a playground so our 6 year old son could meet Naomi. It was instant love. They giggled at one another and he spoke of how beautiful she was. We all had a wonderful time; it was very hard to go home without her. Now that I knew of her my heart longed to be with her at all times. Mr. G called and asked if we would like to come for another visit on Wednesday afternoon and of course I said “Yes”! When we arrived that day Naomi was sleeping in her swing so I just stared at her as Brian and I chatted with Mr. and Mrs. G. When their 8 year old daughter dropped a can of green beans right by her swing I was hopeful that would wake her up and I could hold her but it did not! A few minutes later Mr. G asked us if we were ready to take Naomi home that day. My heart skipped a beat and Brian said “Of course!” When she finally woke up Mrs. G fed her a bottle, changed her diaper and put her in the loveliest yellow dress. We loaded her into her car seat and hugged the G family goodbye with promises to visit soon. I sat in the back with her and we stared at each other the entire way home. I cried happy tears as Brian and I spoke of how great it would be to raise a daughter.Mr. and Mrs. G were granted permission to become Naomi’s Guardian ad Litem so they went to all her court dates and made home visits. There was a very important court date less than two weeks after Naomi came home to us in which the court granted termination of parental rights. At that point we knew without a doubt that we would be her forever family. Our daughter was home. We celebrated her adoption in March of that year when she was only 10 months old. Naomi is now a vivacious four year old. Her eyes are still full of soul and her heart is still full of joy. I feel very blessed to be her mommy.