Baby Gear
December 02, 2014
Nothing can prepare you for being a parent to a child with special needs. Our journey together didn't start off in the way many families do. For the first year we conducted a fairly "normal" life, you know, whatever that means. There was the first roll over, the first tooth, the first time he sat up and so on and so forth. I can remember meeting him for the first time and waiting for the moment our midwife or nurse would say something was wrong. I just stared at him with the intuition only a mother can have, and questioned why they weren't saying anything. No one did. No one said anything was wrong, and I breathed a sigh of relief, but the lingering thought there was something, wrong, or maybe I should say different, about my baby stayed in the back of my mind.
When we brought him home, he just wanted to be held. I turned to my online community and was reassured this was normal. I placed him in a sling and he immediately became calm. As he nursed, and nursed and nursed
Baby Gear
October 10, 2014
To celebrate babywearing week, we reached out to our friends at Babywearing International. BWI is a non-profit group that helps all the parents wear all the babies! We love the work they do promoting babywearing as a universally accepted practice (thank you!), with benefits for both child and caregiver. They provide education and support to parents, caregivers, and educators through outreach activities (check out some activities in your area). At the heart of BWI is their network of chapters run by Volunteer Babywearing Educators serving their local communities, these educators can help you with everything from which carrier is best for you to how to do a back carry.
So, when we were looking for babywearing tips to share, naturally we reached out to this amazing
Baby Gear
August 01, 2014
Babywearing and breastfeeding often go hand in hand; breastfeeding encouraged and even made easier by babywearing and babywearing encouraged and even made easier by breastfeeding. There can be a learning curve to figuring that out though but worth taking the time to see if it is something that would work for you. Once I got the hang of breastfeeding in a carrier it made it so much easier to chase around my other children (I have 6 total, keeping up is a big job!) and meet my baby's needs too. Whatever carrier you have or prefer, breastfeeding is likely possible while babywearing.
Feeding a baby in a carrier is totally doable. It may not be easy at first, but with a little patience and practice, you and your baby will get the hang of it in no time.
Baby Gear
July 18, 2014
I happen to be in the Hawaiian islands at the moment for a very special 4th of July weekend. My dad lives here now – he moved from Southern California about 8 years ago. That said, he isn’t here. He is in LA for cancer treatments before he gets to come home to this beautiful island of Kauii. My dad and I came here together nearly every year for yoga retreats when I was a child. So let’s just say I’m feeling a bit nostalgic.
Those of you who know me know I have two boys – ages 8 and 11. It was one of my first trips to Hawaii with my eldest when I was introduced to Ergo. Ergo was the brand I loved most passionately as a mom of young babies. Both my boys ended up calling our Ergo the ‘pack-pack’ and lived in it from being tiny little creatures to about 3 years old.
Another thing I’ve been doing since being a small child is making sunscreen and personal care products. My dad founded a skincare company called Epicuren the same year I was born. It is still a family business. When my babies
Baby Gear
November 06, 2013
Attachment Parenting has been in the news recently, but in reality it is the most basic and oldest “style” of parenting in the world. In current culture, “Attachment Parenting” has been promoted in the adoption community by adoption specialists for years. Adoption specialists have promoted baby and child wearing to help foster attachment/bonding for the new parent and the new child. There is a trust element that is developed when a child is making physical contact with the parent, being able to hear the heartbeat of the person, and being able to have that security as they also observe and interact during the day.
Our son, Samuel, came into our home when we adopted him from Ethiopia at almost four-years-old.
Baby Gear
October 12, 2013
Each day during International Babywearing Week (IBW), we’ll be posting babywearing tips from our friends at local Babyearing International (BWI) Chapters.
Today’s tip comes to you courtesy of BWI of Lawton/Ft Sill:
Have you been at a loss for storing your Ergo? It's simple to roll your carrier into a nice, tight roll with the shoulder straps tucked inside. Start with the outside of your baby carrier facing out. Then take the waist strap and strap it around the roll of your carrier. Buckle it. Snug it up and you’re good to go. No more dangling straps all over the place.
Baby Gear
October 11, 2013
Each day during International Babywearing Week (IBW), we’ll be posting babywearing tips from our friends at local Babyearing International (BWI) Chapters.
Today’s tip comes to you courtesy of BWI of Peoria:
There are many convenient ways to get baby on your back for a back carry in an Ergo. We will demonstrate two different methods here.
The hip scoot:
You'll want to get your carrier adjusted to your waist and start with the body centered over your right hip.
Place Baby centered into the body of the carrier and grab the left strap with your left hand
Baby Gear
October 10, 2013
Each day during International Babywearing Week (IBW), we’ll be posting babywearing tips from our friends at local Babyearing International (BWI) Chapters.
Today’s tip comes to you courtesy of BWI of Phoenix:
We would like to share our pointer for making sure you have a good seat, especially when wearing a newborn with the insert or using just the pillow for babies in the in-between stage. Many parents talk about baby pushing up and baby's legs falling out the bottom. The waist band needs to be snug against the wearer's body. We are using an organic Ergo with the pillow from the infant insert and a bear (for lack of an appropriately sized baby). Many times what happens is that the waist band starts off snug but as the wearer puts baby in and adjusts the carrier, it rides up to a smaller part
Baby Gear
October 09, 2013
Each day during International Babywearing Week (IBW), we’ll be posting babywearing tips from our friends at local Babyearing International (BWI) Chapters.
Today’s tip comes to you courtesy of BWI of Southern Maryland:
If you are doing a Hip Carry in an Ergobaby Carrier and you are finding that the shoulder strap digs into your neck, try clipping the chestbelt. You may need to move it around to get it to clip comfortably, but clipping it can pull the strap away from your neck and make for a very comfortable Hip Carry.
Baby Gear
September 12, 2013
The growing popularity of babywearing in our modern society makes more parents aware of an amazing tool to meet their children’s need to be close to them while keeping up with a busy schedule. Very young babies feel most secure when they in their parents’ arms, where food and warmth are readily available. A toddler can be kept safe from vehicles or other dangers in public, and receive the reassurance that a loving caregiver provides when they become overstimulated. As with any tool, there are guidelines to make its use as safe as possible.
Babywearing safety begins with choosing the right carrier. There are many choices in modern baby carriers, to fit every budget and style. Make sure the carrier you choose is appropriate for the age of your baby. Is your child within the