Hope your week is going well and that you are on your way to finding your best post-baby body by applying the first 2 keys for success. Before we take a look at the 3rd key, let’s do a quick review. Forgive me, I was a teacher in my former life ...
Key # 1 – Exercising with your baby in the Ergo - Make it your goal to exercise at least 4 days a week for about 30-45 minutes - Cardio + Strength work = Fat loss - Put your baby in the Ergo and try out the Workout with your baby video (Note: By clicking the link, you are agreeing to the Tailored Fitness Terms of Use) Key # 2 - Cooking healthy with your baby in the Ergo - Focus on what kinds of foods you are eating and pay attention to portion size - If you are breastfeeding, make sure to eat at least 1500 calories to maintain your milk supply - Wear your baby in the Ergo while you cook and use it as a teaching opportunity. - Try out some great new recipes like this Power up Smoothie Got it? Let’s move on to Key # 3 – Living an Active Life with Ergo. Do you consider yourself an active person? To answer that question, we first need to determine what it means to be active. An active person integrates physical activity into his/her everyday routine. For a mom, this might mean things like: - Rolling around with your kids on the floor - Walking with your baby to the store - Going for a family bike ride - Playing catch in the backyard - Joining your kids on the swings So you might be thinking, how is being active different than exercising? Great question! Exercise is part of living an active life, but exercise alone doesn’t necessarily mean you are active. Even though exercise is good, if you are sitting around the rest of your day, the benefits of exercise are outweighed by the harm of sitting for such long periods of time. In the same way, being active doesn’t necessarily mean you exercise. Being active isn’t enough to help you get back into those pre-pregnancy jeans. The difference lies in the intention and the intensity of the activity. When you are being active, you are moving and getting your heart rate up, but it’s at a lower intensity. The purpose isn’t focused on burning calories, but rather enjoyment. Exercise on the other hand is a more focused activity where you goal is to burn calories and increase strength and flexibility. To find your best post-baby body you need both exercise and an active lifestyle. Since I already gave you some great suggestions for exercising with your baby in the Ergo carrier, let me share how I strive to live an active life with Ergo.
Please use caution when attempting any of the carries, exercise or activities highlighted on this blog, social media or any other content channels. Please use common sense and caution when using a baby carrier. You should consult a physician before starting any diet or exercise program. For more information, see our disclaimer.