Time just seems to get away from you when you have kids right? I swear I just had this little boy and now he's cutting teeth and moving around. I mean, what? I know people always say "time flies" and "before you know it they'll be grown up" but you don't really believe them until your in it and you can't possibly fathom how your once newborn is now 2 1/2 and sassy as ever. Oh, all the emotions seem to be pouring out of me lately. I don't know if it's the post partum hormones, the seasons changing, or just being a mom in general but somethings got me all kinds of teary eyed lately. Right now, more then ever, I'm trying my hardest to soak in every inch of these precious babes. Before I know it, they'll be out of the house and I'll be lucky to get a visit once a month. Tears, tears, ugly cry, more tears.

Traveling with kids is bittersweet. On one hand you get to enjoy new places and sceneries with the ones you love most. But on the other, these new adventures can cause mixed up schedules, missed naps, and then eventually cranky kids. Trying to tell your 2 year old to sleep when mom, dad, and baby brother are inches away is a nearly impossible feat. It's like an all night slumber party for my little girl. It's quite nerve wrecking for me because I'm afraid she's going to wake up the little dude all night long. Thank goodness for our
Ergobaby swaddler. This swaddle gives my little guy the best sleep. As soon as I get him wrapped up he's out. And stays out. Now I just need him to stay little so I can have this security forever!