July 25, 2013
Especially if daddy’s doing the babywearing. On a hot day!
We set out one morning (a bit later than we’d planned) to harvest fresh, ripe blueberries from our local berry farm.
Set on a windy hillside, the acres of land include a playground, farm store, pond, and fields after fields of fruit trees and berry bushes. It’s truly a sight to behold as you drive in, and then later as you ride the truck out to the berry patch.
Daddy and sons took a stroll out to find frogs while we waited for the farm truck.
Babywearing while berry picking is a must, as you’re not likely getting a stroller onto the bench-seat-only farm truck. At least not without some frowns from the other passengers who’d love the space!
Plus, the ride out is bumpy, and a baby securely on your back (or snuggled against your chest) is best for this kind of a ride.
With the heat… and the rate at which we ate the berries! … we definitely had to pick fast to keep our mouths and buckets full! I was so grateful our nearly-one-year old son rode contentedly on his daddy’s back for most of the picking. It really helped us get the job done without having to keep one eye on him (and another on his three-year-old brother!).
Of course, all crawlers are going to want to get down at some point, so when we were nearly finished, he got the run of the grassy hill… and chose to dip into the berry buckets instead!
There’s truly nothing sweeter than a plump blueberry just off the bush… unless it’s the little round head of my baby poking up out of the baby carrier!