October 10, 2016
There’s something about the cooler weather, leaves starting to fall and the smell of pumpkin spice. October has gradually become my absolute favorite month ever since my husband and I met at a Halloween party. Since then it has taken on even more meaning, because it’s the celebration of International Babywearing Week, this year from October 5th-10th. Hosted by our friends at Babywearing International, babywearing groups in communities all over the World celebrate by doing a variety of fun and educational opportunities, working with other local groups and organizations, posting photos all over social media, giveaways and overall spreading awareness of something that is so near and dear to them.
Every year, more and more caregivers are registering for carriers, and with that growth there are more and more resources in communities to help with baby carrier advice. From what carrier to choose and what may fit best with you particular lifestyle, to fit troubleshooting, learning new positions or carries in your carrier, as well as many offer a community in which one can feel supported in their desire to carry their babies. Whether it be for practical reasons (hands free! Chase your toddler!) to the close connection having baby along can bring. There are independent professional educators, babywearing communities or groups, as well as related birth and postpartum professionals that offer baby carrier advice. All are valuable and offer a little something different depending on your needs.
One of the best ways and reasons why baby carriers are becoming more mainstream, is that it’s becoming normalized due to caregivers wearing baby out and about. The more we see it in a variety of situations, from walking down the street, to at school events, restaurants and the farmer’s market, it becomes the accepted social norm. That knowing smile and nod you give to another parents with a baby in a carrier, the compliment and smile goes a long way to support those in your area who have discovered how carrying baby can be an incredible tool. It’s also wonderful to know who and where your local resources for additional help are located, I often have business cards inside the pocket of my carrier or in my wallet to hand off if someone needs more than I can give them in the moment, or would like to be a part of a support system with resources and community locally. If you find yourself becoming passionate about helping others, consider volunteering your time in a setting that works with families in your community directly. Thank you for wearing your baby, it doesn’t just make a difference in the life of baby, but in your community as well.