With two teenagers and a baby under one roof, the Rios family balances a full plate everyday. A house full of good food, love and laughter, and a dash of Sephora, this family's positive vibes are contagious.
Tell us about your family.
My family keeps me very busy but I love them for it. My husband works from home for a computer company, my two step kids are busy high schoolers, and my baby Dillon eats non stop and won't stop growing! We all manage to live under one roof without killing each other… and we like it!
What does a typical day in your family look like?
A typical day… is never typical! Everyday is different for me. In the mornings though, my husband and I both wake up around 6am to have coffee and chat while the kids are still asleep. I then shower quickly, gulp down a smoothie, and crawl back into bed in time for baby Dillon to wake up to me smiling and attacking him with morning kisses. I work from home most days, so most of my mornings are spent answering emails, conference calls, and visiting clients. My mother is my rock and usually comes by mid morning to help us with Dillon while Corey and I work. By evening we're completely exhausted, but always make it a priority to have dinner together every single night. Corey and I cook together, while the kids are on clean up duty (I'm a lucky chick!). Smile, rinse, and repeat… until it’s time to gallivant on the weekends!
How does your family stay connected?
We all try to stay connected by checking in with each other throughout the day. I'll always text the kids to say hi and Corey and I are constantly chit chatting throughout the day, on the road meeting clients, or while he's traveling. I enjoy it! Dinner at the table is always a priority, where we recap the days activities, unwind, and enjoy family time. A few times a month Corey and I will have date nights, couples nights, and family nights ALWAYS involving food. We love food….enough said.
Tell us about your happy place or What brings you joy?
Honestly, my family brings me a joy that can't be described. I'm lucky to have amazing parents, great big sisters, and I wake up to my husband and son right next to me every morning. It doesn't get any better than that. I'm happiest when I'm with my family, anytime, any place. Also add Sephora to that list. I'm second happiest there.
What kind of memories do you want to create for your child?
I want Dillon to have many great memories traveling and seeing the world with his family by his side. My parents took us everywhere and I want him to have the same memories. We all play musical instruments too, so I would selfishly hope for him to play the drums like mommy and have memories performing for people. Good times!
Where do you call home? Or What does home mean for your family?
It's very cliché, but I call home wherever my family is. Home for our family is wherever we lay our heads at night and feel safe and loved. That’s what's most important. Not many can say they feel safe and loved, so it's extremely important to always create that environment for our children. Corey and I create a home by always having meals together, cleaning together, and having fun together. On some nights the kids cook for us and it's hilarious seeing them interact. We try as much as we can to create an warm environment of love and laughter.
If you or your partner works, how does your work affect or inspire your family? Or the other way around?
Corey and I both work. He works for a well known computer company and I work for a memorial park. Seeing families after they have lost a loved one helps me to always cherish every moment I'm awake. Coping with death isn't easy for anyone, but I have the ability to help families when they're at their worst. This directly affects my family. We don't sweat the small stuff, we argue less, we're thankful for what we have.
Have you traveled with baby? Have you traveled away from baby? If so, how do you stay connected when away from home?
I have yet to travel with baby Dillon! We're set to travel with him in two weeks to San Francisco and Napa! I often have work meetings and leave home several times a week to visit client homes. That means I'm away from Dillon more than I prefer. While I'm pumping, I often look at videos and pictures of Dillon to remind myself why I'm working in the first place. I'll keep little blankets and toys tucked away in my car to always remind me of his presence. I hate being away, but momma’s gotta make that money!
Describe your parenting style.
My parenting style is very much a combination. Naturally, I'm protective, but encourage my son to explore and learn and will happily hand him off to whoever wants to sneak a squeeze. I’m constantly on the go with him trying to expose him to as much as I can. Hands down, though, I'm the disciplinarian. Corey is the extra fun- loving parent who would gladly let the kids have chocolate muffins for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I'm the one who vetoes all chocolate when I see it on my cream-colored carpet! We balance each other out.